Have you ever experienced that severe calf pain in the middle of the night, that awakens you from sleep and wonder what you did to deserve this. Everyone will experience muscle cramps sometime in their life. Cramps can occur while we exercise, sleep or play our drums. The slightest movement that shortens a muscle can trigger a cramp. Muscles that cross two joints are most prone to cramps. Muscle cramps can occur in any muscle of our body but most commonly occur in the legs, feet, arms, abdomen and rib cage.
A cramp is an involuntary and forcibly contracted muscle that doesn’t relax. A cramping muscle may appear distorted, feel hard to the touch and may twitch beneath the skin. A cramp can last a few seconds, a few minutes or longer and might recur multiple times before they completely resolve.
The exact cause of muscle cramps is unknown. It is thought that cramping may be due to injury, muscle strain, and inadequate stretching or muscle fatigue. Exercising or working in intense heat, leads to dehydration from depletion of salt and minerals (electrolytes). Excessive sweating drains the body’s fluids, salt and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium, which cause the muscle to spasm.
Muscles that are poorly conditioned are more likely to experience muscle fatigue. Overexertion can deplete the muscles oxygen supply, leading to a build up of waste product (lactic acid) and spasm. Cramps typically develop near the end of intense or prolonged exercise, or the night after. When a cramp begins, the spinal cord stimulates the muscles to keep contracting.
Cramps will usually resolve on their own. There are a number of self-care tips that can help when a muscle cramps such as stop doing the activity that triggered the cramp in the first place; gently stretch and message the cramping muscle, holding the muscle in a stretched position until the cramp subsides; and finally apply ice to the cramped and tender muscles.
Avoiding cramps can be accomplished by maintaining better overall flexibility and fitness, always warming-up and cooling down before and after strenuous activity and keeping your body adequately hydrated. Hydrate with liquids containing electrolytes (sports drinks) before, during and after performances especially on hot and humid days or while performing under hot intense lights. Remember to drink at regular intervals, before you get thirsty and more than your thirst requires.