
Feeling the Vibe!

As we all know, playing the drums is a very physical activity. The shear forces and repetitive motions that occur with drumming can result in a number of maladies and physical injuries to the upper extremities, lower extremities and spine. Most of the injuries that occur due to drumming can be prevented or avoided with … Read more

Hand and Wrist Injuries

As drummers and percussionists we all know, our art can take its toll on our hands and wrists. Repetitive gripping of drum sticks or striking a drum with our hands can lead to a number of injuries to the fingers, joints, tendons and muscles within the hand and wrist. Drummers and hand percussionists can develop … Read more

I Think I have a Pinched Nerve

Have you ever experienced an electrical shock like pain down your arm or leg? Or have you ever awoke from a nights sleep with numbness or tingling in your arm or leg? These are common symptoms of a “pinched nerve”. A “pinched nerve” is a description for a number of injuries or conditions that can … Read more

I Think I Have an Itis in My Foot

Drummers rely on there feet to play effectively. Various genres of music are more demanding on the feet than others placing that drummer at risk for developing a variety of repetitive stress injuries to the supporting muscles and tendons. Tendon injuries can develop in any of the tendons that run across the ankle and foot. … Read more

It’s Not Always Carpal Tunnel !

Pain, numbness and weakness in a drummer’s hand or wrist can arise from many different sources. These complaints are most commonly due to carpal tunnel syndrome (DRUM ? issue). However, not all symptoms in the hand are due to this common nerve compression at the wrist. The ulnar nerve is another nerve that can affect … Read more

Knee Pain-When is it time to seek help?

Knee pain is a common complaint among drummers. There are a number of conditions that occur commonly in the knee as the result of excessive activity or a singular traumatic event such as a twist. Many of these conditions will result in knee pain. We need to be able to differentiate which need immediate medical … Read more